
Interested in Advertising on Friesian Crazy? If your product or services are Friesian breed related, you can advertise for free with our banner exchange program. Simply put one of Friesian Crazy's banners on your website (in an area of equal prominence), send us your own banner, of a similar size, and we will do likewise. You can use one of the ready-made banners provided, or, if you are worried about matching the decor of your website, you can request a customized banner for a small fee.

Why free? This system is mutually beneficial, both by the fact that both our websites are recieving advertising, and because search engines such as Google rate websites on the number of other sites that link to it. As the number of advertisers on Friesian Crazy increases, so does the website's ratings on the search engine, sending more traffic by your banner on our site. In essence it is a fair trade, and we see no reason to charge for the service.

If you prefer not to place a Friesian Crazy banner on your page, that works too. I happily accept PayPal payments and can arrange an appropriate advertising fee with you via email.

If you wish to participate, please fill out the form below, or send an e-mail to with the required information. You can also e-mail us your banner as an attachment if you prefer. Your farm banner will be put up as soon as possible. If, however, our Friesian Crazy banner has not appeared on your website within 10 days, your banner will be taken down.


To download on a PC, right-click and choose any variation of 'save image' that may appear on your menu. To download on a Mac, Control + click on the image and choose any variation of 'save image' that may appear on your menu depending on your version. Please check back soon for new banners.

Advertising Form

Your Name:

Your E-mail:

Description of product or service:

URL of Site:

Which type of advertising exchange are you interested in?

text advertisement

banner advertisement

URL of Graphic: