Friesian Links
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History of the Friesian
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Here are some great Friesian links. If you would like to add or remove a link please scroll to the bottom of the page and fill out the form with the desired information, or, as always, feel free to e-mail me.
Farms & Services
Alberta | British Colulmbia | Ontario
United States
AB | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE| FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX |UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY |
Netherlands | Denmark

Friesch Paarden-Stamboek (FPS)
Friesian Horse Association of North America (FHANA)
FHANA Chapters
East Coast
Ontario Friesian Horse Association
Quebec Friesian Horse Association
Northeast Friesian Horse Club
West Michigan Friesian Horse Club
South Eastern Michigan Friesian Horse Association
Ohio Valley Friesian Horse Association
Mid-Atlantic Friesian Horse Association
Friesian Horse Association of the Mid-East
Friesian Horse Association of the SoutheastMidwest
Great Lakes Friesian Horse Association
South Central Friesian Horse Association
Colorado Friesian Horse Club
West Coast
Alberta Friesian Horse Association
Northwest Friesian Horse Club
Central California Friesian Horse Club
Central Valley Friesian Club of California
Coastal California Friesian Club
Friesian Horse Club of Southern California
Arizona Friesian Horse Association
Other Foreign FPS Affiliates
Association Française du Cheval Frison (France)
Associazione Italiana del Cavallo Frisone (Italy)
Australian Friesian Horse Society
Belgisch Stamboek Van Het Friese Paard (Belgium)
Cheval Frison Luxemborgeois (Luxemborg)
Czech & Slovak Friesian Horse Association
Dansk Frieser Forbund (Denmark)
Deutsche Friesenpferde-Zuchter (Germany)
Friesenfreunde Österreichs (Austrian)
The Friesian Horse Association of Great Britain & Ireland
Friesian Horse Association of Southern Africa
Friesenpferdeverein Fürstentum Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein)
Friesenpferde-Verband (Switzerland)
Fríz Lótenyésztók Magyarországi Egyesülete (Hungary)
Norsk Frieser Forbund (Norway)
Suomen Friisiläishevosyhdistys ry (Finland)
Svenska Frieserhästföreningen (Sweden)
Российская Фризская Ассоциация (Russia)
Registries (unaffiliated with FPS)
American Friesian Association
Other Organizations
International Friesian Show Horse Association

Alberta | British Colulmbia | Ontario |
United States
AB | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE| FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX |UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY |
Netherlands | Denmark
Razwind Ranch (Mountain Home, AR)
Pinnacle Friesians (Arkansas)
Abacus Farms (Pleasant Grove, CA)
Black Horse Valley Ranch (Mountain Center, CA)
Black Sterling Friesians (Greenbrae, CA)
Checkerboard Farms (Norco, CA)
DeBoer Royal Friesians (Tulare, CA)
Dutch Horsefriend (Solvang, CA)
Excalibur Horses (San Francisco, CA)
Friesian Quest (Southern California)
Griffin Sport Horses (Arroyo Grande,CA)
Leyendekker Friesians (Visalia, CA)
Shangri La Friesians (CA)
Spearmint Rhino Ranch (Norco, CA)
StarBrite Riding Academy (Norco, CA)
Toad Stool Farm (Sherman Oaks, CA)
U.S. Friesian Referral Service (Ukiah,CA)
Windermere Farms (Fallbrook,CA)
Crystal Peak Friesians (Florrisant, CO)
Sable Ranch (Westcliffe, CO)
Solo Venture Farms (Montrose, CO)
Wolf Den Friesians (Brooklyn, CT)
Centaur Farms (Silver Creek, GA)
Bluffview Clydesdales and Friesians (Ocala, FL)
Martindale Friesian Farm (Wakarusa, IN)
Big K Ranch Warmbloods & Sport Horses (Waucoma, IA)
Signature Friesians (Baldwin City, KS)
Flying Colors Farms (Bowling Green, KY)
Knight Wind Farms (Franklin, KY)
KDM Farm (Monmouth, ME)
Noble Legends Friesians (Monmouth, ME)
Wish Upon A Ster Friesians (Beallsville, MD)
Iron Gate Farm (Duxbury, MA)
Pine Feather Farm, LLC (Acton, MA)
Black Dragon Farms (Fenton, MI)
Eleventh Hour Farm and Equestrian Center (Holly, MI)
The Friesian Connection (Dorr, MI)
Friesian Spirit Horse Farm (Perry, MI)
Mapleview Friesians (Reed City, MI)
Rehmann's East Bay Ranch (Traverse City, MI)
Black Shire Equestrian Centre (Randolph, MN)
Carisbrooke Farm (Stillwater, MN)
Excalibur Breeding Center (Deerwood, MN)
Legend Woods Friesian Sporthorses (Ogilvie, MN)
Ramaker Friesians (Wells, MN)
Sterling Friesians (Northern MN)
The Magical World of Dancing Horses (Whitefish, MT)
Bush Friesians (Greenwood, NE)
Avalon Friesians (Reno, NV)
Fuzzy Butt Farm (Fallon, NV)
Integrity Farm (Derry, NH)
Chestnut Ridge Friesians (Perrineville, NJ)
Camelot Friesians (Tom'e, NM)
Friesians on the Farside (Vestal, NY)
Lorick Stables (Youngstown, NY)
Starlit Ridge Farm (Salem, NY)
Dragstra Stables (Southern Pines, NC)
Lothlorien Friesians (Wake Forest, NC)
Zion Farm (NC)
Full Moon Farm (Columbia Station, OH)
Full Spectrum Stables (Lima, OH)
Herman Hills Farm (Ross, OH)
Black Magic Friesians (Canby, OR)
Friesians Spectacular (Sisters, OR)
Knapp Friesians (Sisters, OR)
Legacy Friesians (Newberg, OR)
Mulberry Lane Farms (Stayton, OR)
Hawthorne Spring Farm (Chambersburg, PA)
Iron Spring Farm (Coatesville, PA)
Jokar's Hilltop Farm Friesians (Buffalo Mills, PA)
Laurel Highland Farm (Cogan Station, PA)
Winterspring Farm Friesians (East Berling, PA)
Shady Nook Farm (SC)
BilMar Friesians (Blountville, TN)
Fryslan Valley Sporthorses (Buchanan, TN)
Anneke's Friesians (Mount Vernon, TX)
Fantasy Friesians Inc. (Waxahachie, TX)
Wind Spirit Friesians (Argyle, TX)
Royal Carousel Friesians (West Jordan,UT)
Shaman's Circle Ranch (Park City, UT)
Friesians of Majesty (Townshend, VT)
Harmony Acres Friesians (Middlebury, VT)
Bent Tree Farm, LTD (Shawsville, VA)
Pleasant View Stables (Mt. Jackson, VA)
Tanbark Acres LLC (Cana, VA)
Cair Paravel Farm (Sequim, WA)
Tailwind Friesians (Ellensburg, WA)
Zylstra Friesian Horses (Salkum, WA)
Friesian Dreams (Franklin, WI)
Nanning 374 LLC (Hortonville, WI)
North Ster Friesians (Wausau, WI)
Prairie Ridge Friesians (Iowa County, WI)
Skyline Farm Friesians (Wausau, WI)
Sullivan's Friesian Crossbreds (Gays Mills, WI)
Bonnie View Farm (Nobleford, Alberta, Canada)
Spruce View Farms (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
Whispering Hills Friesians (Athabasca, Alberta, Canada)
Black Pearl Classic Equines (Quesnel, BC, Canada)
Endymion Farms (Vernon, BC, Canada)
Hiwan Ranch (Monte Creek, BC, Canada)
Kenettas Friesians (Abbotsford, BC, Canada)
Vanderkooi Friesians (Abbotsford, BC)
Black Reign Friesians (Holland Centre, Ontario, Canada)
Witteveen Friesians (St. George, Ontario, Canada)
Dressuur site Anja Oudendag (NL)
De Friese Wouden (Nijega, NL)
Friesians 4 All (Importers/Exporters, NL)
Frysk-Andaluz (Mijnsheerenland, NL) Het Friesh Paard (NL)
Hengstenstation Grootarchem (NL)
Stal Hermes (St. Jacobiparochie, Friesland, Netherlands)
Hengstenhouderij Hestegaarden (NL)
Horsmans (NL)
Leny's Friese Paarden (Wons, NL)
Leppehorne Hengstenstation (Aldeboarn, NL)
Stalhouderij Meijer (NL)
De Nieuwe Heuvel (Lunteren, Netherlands)
Noeste Hoeve Friesians (Friesland, Netherlands)
Old Corner Stables (Groningen, Netherlands)
P.B. Friesian Horses (Friesland, NL)
Reuselinkhof Friesians Stables (Winterswijk, NL)
De Ridderslag (Beesd, Netherlands)
Ted Kop Jansen bv (Wapse, Netherlands)
De Terpen (Wommels, Netherlands)
Hengstenhouderij Toonen (Maren-Kessel, Netherlands)
Stal Wijdewormer (NL)
Harrig's Heste (Hadsten, Denmark)
Black Minx Stud (Koo Wee Rup, Victoria, Australia)
Cacharel Friesian Horses (Australia)
The Bucking Mule - Breyer models and other horse gifts for horse lovers.
Brendon Saddlery
Offering horse equipment and horse riding equipment which includes horse saddles and horse tack like horse bits, horse bridles, horse girth, horse bandages, horse reins, horse stirrups, horse whips. Also we provide horse riding clothing which includes riding jackets and riding coats for all at our Brendon Saddlery in Sussex, UK.
Dragonfly Saddlery - Offering a wide range of horse equipment and horse clothing including horse saddles, reins, girths, rugs, bridles other tack and accessories. For riders we have extensive range of riding clothing (riding wear) including body protectors riding boots, jodhpurs and horse riders clothing.
Equestrian Resources - directory of Equestrian related websites.
Horses for Sale, Stud and Lease at EquineHits. Free horse photos!
A resource center and online community for equine enthusiasts. features equine information and articles, free equine classifieds, a directory of equine links, and a shopping center.
Gemstone Enterpises
My website is an online gallery of Equestrian and Animal Fine Art, Gifts and Collectibles. If someone is looking for something special which I do not have available I will do my best to find what they are looking for. I represent many very talented artists. Work containing most breeds and riding disciplines are available. Commission work, Gift Certificates and a gift registry are also available.
Geoff Dean - Horse Riding Equiptment
Geoff Dean, equestrian shop in UK offers horse riding equipment and horse riding wear such as Driving carriage, harness, bridlework, show jumping equipment, leather saddles, saddle maker, reins, girths, rugs, bridles, bits, riding gloves, tack, body protectors, riding boots, jodhpurs, Caprilli, bates, wintec, kieffer. Best equestrian shop supplies driving accessories, saddle accessories and bridles accessories.
Naglets Natural Horse Treats
Naglets offers Healthy Treats and Equine Treats for Equine Health such as Horse Biscuits, all Animal Feed, Pony Treats and Pony Gifts. Best supplier of homemade horse treats, pet treats, healthy horse food, horse gifts, horse snacks and horse biscuits for horses and ponies in UK.
The Official
Site of Mike Fields Bronze Wildlife Sculptures
Mike Fields specializes in Wildlife Sculptures cast in Bronze and Stainless Steel. Mike Fields' wildlife art is internationally recognized for its precision and movement. Welcome to Mike's online wildlife art gallery showcasing his Wildlife sculptures.
Official Site of Chester Fields Bronze Eagle Statues and Wildlife
Chester Fields specializes in bronze eagle statues and wildlife paintings. Chester Fields' wildlife art is internationally recognized for its class and elegance. Welcome to Chester's online wildlife art gallery showcasing his fine eagle sculptures and wildlife paintings.
Tonya Nyland at KeyStone Farm
English riding stable offering qualified equestrian coaching and training as well as quality warmblood hunter-jumper horses for sale in Victoria, on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
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